
Hello, we are the HELDELE Robotics!

Our team has been participating in the FIRST LEGO League for over 15 years and lives through the dynamic change that this creates. Currently the team consists of 6 youngsters and 1 coach. Originally started as a team for the children of employees of the HELDELE company, friends and acquaintances joined over time. Highlights included reaching the Central Europe Finals for the first time in 2014 and participating in the Estonia Open in Talin, Estonia in 2018. The latest highlight is our participation in the WPI Open in Worcester, USA.
We meet, during a season, every Saturday and Sunday from 10 am to 4 pm and often during the week evenings. In addition to the regular meetings, we also go on many different outings such as ice skating, indoor diving, bowling, or at the end of the season, hiking together.





