
Identification of provider in accordance with Sec. 5 German Telemedia Act (TMG):
Uferstraße 40-50
D-73084 Salach
Phone: +49 7162 4002-0
Fax: +49 7162 4002-10


Board of Management:
Bernd Forstreuter
Rasmus Reutter
Jürgen Christ


Registered office: Salach, Ulm District Court HRB 530646
VAT no. of Salach headquarters: DE 811368088
Tax ID no. of Salach headquarters: 28/63002/09062


Responsible for content pursuant to Sec. 55 German Interstate Broadcasting Treaty (RstV):
Bernd Forstreuter (address as above)



The legal notice applies to the following websites:

HELDELE GmbH endeavours, within reasonable limits, to provide correct and complete information on this website. HELDELE GmbH does not accept any liability for and does not make any guarantee of the up-to-dateness, correctness and completeness of the information provided on this website. This also applies to all links that this website refers to, directly or indirectly. HELDELE GmbH is not responsible for the content of any page that is reached via such a link. HELDELE GmbH reserves the right to perform changes and additions to the provided information without prior notice. The content of this website is protected by copyright. However, HELDELE GmbH grants you the right to save and copy the text provided on this website in whole or in part. Due to the copyright, saving and copying of image material or graphics from this website is not permitted. HELDELE GmbH is not liable for direct or indirect damage, including loss of profit, resulting from the information on this website or otherwise resulting in conjunction with information that is provided on this website.


Alternative dispute resolution pursuant to Article 14 para. 1 Online Dispute Resolution Regulation (ODR-VO) and Sec. 36 Consumer Dispute Resolution Act (VSBG)/EU Online Dispute Resolution platform

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR) that can be found at HELDELE GmbH is not obligated and is in principle unwilling to participate in a dispute resolution procedure involving a consumer arbitration body.



Copyright HELDELE GmbH. All rights reserved. Text, images, graphics, sound, animation and videos as well as the layout of these are protected under copyright law and other protective legislation for intellectual property. The content of this website must not be copied, disseminated, changed or provided to third parties for commercial purposes.


Picture credits:

HELDELE Robotics




Technical realisation

reseen GmbH
Adlerstraße 41
70199 Stuttgart
